SetaPDF Demos

Check for Transparency

This demo checks the resources of all pages and form XObjects for elements which will invoke transparency.

This demo does not checks whether these resources are used or not.


use com\setasign\SetaPDF\Demos\Inspector\TransparencyInspector;

// load and register the autoload function
require_once '../../../../../bootstrap.php';

// prepare some files
$files = glob($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/misc/*.pdf');
$files[] = $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf';

$path = displayFiles($files);

// require the text processor class
require_once $classesDirectory . '/Inspector/TransparencyInspector.php';

$document = SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path);

$inspector = new TransparencyInspector($document);
$transparencyElements = $inspector->process();

foreach ($transparencyElements as $element) {
    echo 'Type: ' . $element['type'] . '<br />';
    echo 'Info: ' . $element['info'] . '<br />';
    echo 'Location: ' . $element['location'] . '<br />';
    echo 'Data (class name): ' . get_class($element['data']) . '<br />';
    echo "<br />";

if (count($transparencyElements) === 0) {
    echo 'No transparency found.';