SetaPDF Demos

Get Form Fields Information

This demo iterates over all pages and their widget annotations (visible part of a form field in a PDF document).

It then simply dumps the raw data of the annotation. Keep in mind that e.g. coordinates are relative to the pages boundary box. So the information of the underlaying origin of the boundary box or page rotation isn't taken into account in these values.

For fields which have a simple string value, the value is output, too.


// load and register the autoload function
require_once '../../../../../bootstrap.php';

// prepare some files
$files = [
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/forms/Calculated-And-Formatted.pdf',
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/forms/Customizer-Example.pdf',
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/forms/Sunnysunday-Example.pdf',
    $assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Fact-Sheet-form.pdf'

$path = displayFiles($files);

// create a document instance
$document = SetaPDF_Core_Document::loadByFilename($path);

// Get the pages helper
$pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages();

for ($pageNo = 1, $pageCount = $pages->count(); $pageNo <= $pageCount; $pageNo++) {
    // get a page instance
    $page = $pages->getPage($pageNo);
    echo '<h1>Page ' . $pageNo . '</h1>';

    // get the annotation helper
    $annotationsHelper = $page->getAnnotations();
    $widgetAnnotations = $annotationsHelper->getAll(SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation::TYPE_WIDGET);
    echo '<p>' . count($widgetAnnotations) . ' widget annotations found.</p>';

    /* @var SetaPDF_Core_Document_Page_Annotation_Widget $widgetAnnotation */
    foreach ($widgetAnnotations AS $widgetAnnotation) {
        $fieldName = SetaPDF_Core_Document_Catalog_AcroForm::resolveFieldName(

        echo $fieldName . ': <pre>';

        $rect = $widgetAnnotation->getRect();
        echo '     llx: ' . $rect->getLlx() . "\n";
        echo '     lly: ' . $rect->getLly() . "\n";
        echo '     urx: ' . $rect->getUrx() . "\n";
        echo '     ury: ' . $rect->getUry() . "\n";
        echo '   width: ' . $rect->getWidth() . "\n";
        echo '  height: ' . $rect->getHeight() . "\n";

        // get the field value
        $value = SetaPDF_Core_Type_Dictionary_Helper::resolveAttribute($widgetAnnotation->getDictionary(), 'V');
        // limited to string values for demonstration purpose
        if ($value instanceof SetaPDF_Core_Type_StringValue) {
            echo '   value: ';
            echo SetaPDF_Core_Encoding::convertPdfString($value->getValue());

        echo "</pre></br>";