Stamp Prepended Title Page
This demo prepends an empty page and stamps various data on it.
<?php // load and register the autoload function require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../bootstrap.php'; // let's get access to the file $reader = new SetaPDF_Core_Reader_File($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/Brand-Guide.pdf'); // create a HTTP writer $writer = new SetaPDF_Core_Writer_Http('stamped.pdf', true); // let's get the document $document = SetaPDF_Core_Document::load($reader, $writer); // get pages helper $pages = $document->getCatalog()->getPages(); // create a page in format A4 but don't append it $page = $pages->create(SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::A4, SetaPDF_Core_PageFormats::ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, false); // prepend the created page $pages->prepend($page); // initiate a stamper instance $stamper = new SetaPDF_Stamper($document); // let's use a TrueType font for the stamp appearance: $font = new SetaPDF_Core_Font_TrueType_Subset( $document, $assetsDirectory . '/fonts/DejaVu/ttf/DejaVuSans.ttf' ); // initiate the text stamp $stamp = new SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_Text($font, 20); // fill the stamp with text $stamp->setText( "SetaPDF-Stamper - Title Page - Demo\n" . "From: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n" . "User: Tester\n" . "Date: " . date("Y-m-d H:i") ); // center the text in textbox $stamp->setAlign(SetaPDF_Core_Text::ALIGN_CENTER); // define line height to 35 $stamp->setLineHeight(30); // add stamp to stamper $stamper->addStamp($stamp, SetaPDF_Stamper::POSITION_CENTER_MIDDLE, SetaPDF_Stamper::PAGES_FIRST); // now we want to insert an image above the text // define which image we want to stamp $image = SetaPDF_Core_Image::getByPath($assetsDirectory . '/pdfs/camtown/Logo.png'); // initiate a image stamp $stamp = new SetaPDF_Stamper_Stamp_Image($image); // stretch image stamp $stamp->setDimensions(150, 30); // Add stamp to stamper centered on the first page with an y translation of +80 $stamper->addStamp($stamp, SetaPDF_Stamper::POSITION_CENTER_MIDDLE, SetaPDF_Stamper::PAGES_FIRST, 0, 120); // stamp the document with all previously added stamps $stamper->stamp(); // save and finish the resulting document $document->save(true)->finish();